The Media Offensive: Injecting Lies and Misinformation

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” – Malcolm X A key … Continue Reading →

Ecuador 30’S: Conclusions of a Failed Coup

Just a few weeks ago, a commission revealed the definitive events behind the coup attempt that took place in Ecuador on September 30, 2010 where 10 people got killed. EVENTS … Continue Reading →

What is Behind Ecuador’s “Default” on its Foreign Debt

On December 2008,  President Rafael Correa declared that Ecuador would default on $30.6M payment on state bonds.  The decision was taken after an appointed international commission determined that most of … Continue Reading →

Two Opposing Dimensions of The Ecuadorian President and His Inform to the Nation from New York

Rafael Correa is at least one of the most intriguing political personalities of the day. It is like we are talking about two different people, but it is the same … Continue Reading →