The United States Drug Trade Dark Alliance: Generating Regime Change

The inspector general, Frederick Hitz, did a fairly thorough job, produced a report that amounted to an institutional confession by the Central Intelligence Agency that indeed they were aware of the contra drug trafficking as far back as 1981, that it had continued throughout the decade, and that the CIA had consistently protected those drug traffickers, even to the point of steering away investigations by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Justice Department, as well as Congress.

Robert Parry, October 9th 2014

Nowadays the media is installing the idea that the president of the Venezuelan Assembly is the head of the “soles drug cartel.” First of all, there is no other evidence than the declaration of a former infiltrated guard to support that accusation. This guard probably was operating since he was a body guard for former president Hugo Chavez. Let’s remember that this is not the first time the U.S. tries to use the drug connection as a political weapon. Years ago, the famous drug associate to Pablo Escobar, John Jairo Velásquez, AKA Popeye, and Juan Reinaldo Sanchez, a former’s Fidel Castro’ body guard, were used as key witnesses to try to link Fidel Castro with the Medellin cartel. There was no supporting evidence to confirm their allegations. The truth about the drug trade is that for the United States, it’s a powerful political tool to use it according its needs. The war on drugs is often used to generate political changes and even to get a pretext for military interventions like what happened with Panama to “capture” Manuel Noriega.

ABC news, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are the “heroic” media outlets denouncing mr, Cabello’s drug connection, something strange in case of the media, since from previous experience we know they are not in the business of denouncing the truth about the drug trade. We must remember that back in 1996 former LAPD agent Michael Rupert denounced operations such amadeus, pegasus and watchtower as FBI operations that involved the drug distribution. The press did nothing to help get the truth across in that case and on 2014 Rupert “committed suicide” suicide in strange circumstances [Fox Mulder May 24-2015]. Another prominent case was Gary Webb who denounced the U.S. government agencies involvement with the drug trade and he also “committed suicide” inflicting two guns shots in his head [Democracy Now Oct 9-2014].

A very important aspect of the involvement of the drug trade connection with the CIA is that despite the huge official funding the U.S. government provides to destabilize leftist governments, the CIA gets into drug trafficking to finance criminal activities against those leftist governments. For example, the money generated in the drug trade on the border between Bolivia and Chile, is said to be used to finance a huge sabotage campaign against president Correa in Ecuador [RT Dec 7-2012]. Remember that the CIA funded the Nicaraguan contras with money from the crack cocaine trade [CIA Apr 26-2007].

As we know The U.S. is number one consumer of illegal drugs in the world and in this condition the drug trade represents an economic benefit of about $950B annually for the U.S. Researchers estimate banks wash up to $400B annually from drug trafficking [Ultimas Noticias Apr 6-2015]. Just Wachovia laundered at least 378M from the Sinaloa cartel from 2004 until 2007, and paid a fine of less than 2% of the profit that bank got from those transactions and no one was arrested. Besides the banking cartel, other big benefactor of the drug trade is the chemical industry that openly exports its products destined for drug production, but those companies are not even mentioned in this problem.

We have agencies designated to fight drug trafficking such as the DEA, but the DEA, far away of fighting drug trafficking, rather it has been collaborating with drug traffickers. For example since Bolivia and Venezuela expelled the DEA their numbers have improved intensely. In the case of Venezuela, they have captured drug lords in record numbers – a total of 95 drug capos have been captured and deported to Colombia and to the U.S., and also 97 airplanes transporting drugs have been destroyed [RT May 29-2015]. Since the DEA left Venezuela, this country has doubled up the number of drug seizures dismantling criminal organizations. Eventually was found the DEA used mechanisms such “controlled deliveries”, which involved diverting drug trafficking in order to allow its transportation without being detected. It’s in this way that at the time the United Nations gives high recognition to countries like Bolivia for its big success fighting the drug trade, the U.S. puts Bolivia in the list of nations what refuse to fight drugs [Regeneracion Mar 6-2015].

On the other hand, countries that are fully involved in getting direct assistance to fight drugs, are the main producers and benefactors of the drug trade – namely Mexico and Colombia [RT Apr 17-2015]. Furthermore, those countries that have allowed U.S. to put our military bases, are, for some reason, the countries that are key players in the drug trade. Let’s take the example of Afghanistan, when the Taliban was in power, they were very effective in eliminating the heroin trade, but since the U.S. invasion, we have a very fluid drug supply coming from that country. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador tend to be very steady on their performance fighting the drug trade, something that cannot be said about the pro U.S. governments like Mexico that tend to be effective usually when they need to deviate the public’s attention from terrible tragedies. When in 2014, 43 students went missing on hands of the federal police, the police manage to detain 2 of the most dangerous drug lords in just one week [RT Mar 8-2015].

Coming back to the issue of the involvement of Cabello with the drug trade, we have to note the soles cartel was dismantled during the Chavez administration. However, the soles cartel leadership was deeply linked to former Venezuelan President Carlos Andres Perez, an ally of the U.S on those days. and back on those days we had plenty of political leader with direct links to the drug trade [A un Click May 24-2015]. For example, Pablo Escobar assisted to the presidential possession of Felipe González in 1982 and Augusto Pinochet was known to be involved in the cocaine trade [Cooperative Jul 18-2006].

And on these days the list political figures with links to the drug trade is not shorter. As much as the U.S. tries to link mr Cabello to the drug trade, rather the evidence aims at police, the DAS and the military of Colombia. None of the cases mentioned on the media has any link with the leftist Venezuelan government [El Tiempo May 21-2015]. Names such as Luis Frank Tello, Gloria Rojas Valencia, Roberto Méndez Hurtado, Carlos Rentería Mantilla y Carlos Ojeda Herrera all them captured in Venezuela gave information of Colombian authorities related to Alvaro Uribe [Aporrea May 31-2015]. By far, The big fish of today would be the former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe but rather he is a solid ally of the U.S. in Latin America. Also, Spanish president Mariano Rajoy, another U.S. ally, run his campaign on property that belongs to “clan de los caneos” considered the most important group that brings cocaine to Spain. Also Former DEA director Phil Jordan pointed that drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán financed Mexican President Pena Nieto during his election campaign – as we know Pena Nieto is another loyal ally of the U.S. [Regeneracion Feb 22-2014].And here in the U.S. itself we haves cases like Senator Mitch McConnell whose family was involved in the Colombian cocaine trade [Mint Press Jun 4-2015] and also Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s brother-In-Law who was convicted for drug trafficking [Business Insider Jul 13-2011].

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