U.S. Assassin Drones May Be Intelligent, But Certainly They Are Not Polite


The deaths of half a million children as a result of the absolute, all-embracing deprivations of the UN embargo were: A hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it.Madeleine Albrigh,t USA Secretary of State – Sixty Minutes – May 12th 1996

We can be sure about something, the bombs and drones  that we pay for, as intelligent as our government claims, they don’t knock on families doors to ask them if those residents have any immediate plans to harm American lives. Our military system has a necro-maniac fascination for bombings and what could be a better way of perpetrating extrajudicial executions than the use of drones? Drones are 10 times more likely to kill civilians than conventional air craft. And what increases even more the probability of killing civilians is that drones bombings rely in SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) which means they don’t actually target people – SIGINT is a system to target SIM cards on cell phones. Among all of these drones the Sky raper seem to be the most scary one since military personnel state it has killed a lot of people [The Intercept Feb 10-2014]. If that is no interesting enough consider the US military practices signature strikes, which implies the bombing of areas based on “suspicious activity”. In addition to that the US army also practices double-tap strikes, which basically is, that after a first missile strike, the army awaits for people to assist the wounded and dead to do a follow up strike.  Many times the rescuers are simply civilians who want to help, and actually even the first targets themselves are just civilians. This practice is not fully communicated to the political authorities, let alone to the public. This is considered a war crime by international law [CommonDreams.org Aug 1-2013]. The Wiki Leaks video “Collateral Murder” gives us a glimpse of what kind of crimes the US military incurs.

We were told at the beginning of the “war on terror” that we had to hunt down Osama Bin Laden who was conducting his malignant operations from a cave somewhere in Afghanistan. He was living in Pakistan, an ally country, close to a military complex. Taking the extreme risk of starting a war with a nuclear, Pakistan, the US put Operation Geronimo in progress. The military killed Bin Laden and then they just dumped his body into the ocean (wasn’t that just convenient?). Note that Bin Laden was the same guy that was in the CIA pay roll back in the 1980‘s. But meanwhile in the process of hunting down Bin Laden in Pakistan, the CIA had already conducted multiple drone strikes. Only in 2010 there were 118 drone strikes, which led a death toll of at least 581 militants. Of those 581 alleged militants, only two were proven to be on the US list of “high-value targets” [Washington Post Feb 21-2011]. In addition, in Yemen there were over 80 US assassination drone attacks in 2012 affecting mainly civilians [Press TV Apr 28-2013]. Now, Bin Laden is understood to be dead, but we keep killing Afghanis, Pakistanis, Iraqis and anybody we don‘t like on that part of the world.

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